Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tornado Fails to Destory Modular Home!

Modular housing has a new super hero.  A home in Oregon Township, Michigan was hit with the full fury of a tornado but instead of leveling the home like it does with site-built homes, it didn't have enough strength to smash it to bits.
Instead the modular house, owned by the Bill Boots family, simply shuddered a bit and defied the tornado to tear it apart.  The best it could do was lift it in total off the foundation and move it in one piece to the edge of the wall.
Pictures are worth a thousand words or sticks if you build a site-build home.


  1. I'm real hoping mine would just end up like this if and ever a tornado would hit up. So far I've seen no tornado so there's nothing to worry about.
    If you want to know where I get my modular home, please click here.

  2. Nice to see this home standing strong! We have been looking at modular homes in Tennessee and not only are they a great value right now but they can look very beautiful as well
